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35 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Kale Brassica oleracea var. viridis

    Kale, Abashaw Goman, Borecole, Cole, Leaf Cabbage

    Kale is a cruciferous crop (cabbage family) grown for the leaves. Kale will withstand more heat than other Brassicas and is also tolerant of light frost, which can actually improve flavor. There are many varieties of leaf shape, color and height from a low mat of curled shoots to 2 m high. The...
  2. Beets Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris

    Beets, Beetroot, Garden Beet

    Garden Beets, also called beetroot, are a hardy, cool-season root crop with edible leaves and a fleshy, tap root. The most common beets are deep red throughout but there are varieties that are yellow, white or mixed. The roots are a source of calories and the leaves are a good source of fiber and...
  3. Mustard Greens Brassica juncea

    Mustard, Mustard Greens

    Mustard greens are a cruciferous crop (cabbage family) grown for the leafy greens that have a slightly bitter, peppery or mustardy taste. Mustard’s dark green color makes it a very nutritious leafy vegetable that can be grown year round in many parts of the world.
  4. Cauliflower Brassica oleracea var. botrytis

    Cauliflower, Chou Fleur

    Cauliflower is a cruciferous crop (cabbage family) grown for its compact white immature flower head. Cauliflower is generally suited to temperate climates or higher altitudes in the tropics, preferring cool, moist soil and air. The heads are cut and eaten while the buds are still closed. In order...
  5. Collards Brassica oleracea var. viridis


    Collards are a cruciferous crop (cabbage family) grown for the leaves. The wide, smooth, blue-green leaves of collards have a spinach-like flavor and are the highest in nutrients of the dark green, leafy vegetables.
  6. Broccoli Brassica oleracea var. italica

    Broccoli, Calabrese, Chou Broccoli

    Broccoli is a cruciferous crop (cabbage family) grown for the head that is made of a cluster of many, dark green buds formed at the end of an edible stalk. It is a temperate crop that can be grown in the tropics at higher elevations. Broccoli has become a common, favorite vegetable around the...
  7. Turnip Brassica rapa var. rapifera

    Turnip, Turnip Greens, Turnip Rape, Field Mustard

    Turnips are a cruciferous crop (cabbage family) grown for the edible fleshy taproot. The leaves are also a good nutritious green leafy vegetable. There are also varieties that have been developed as a forage crop.
  8. Kale Brassica oleracea var. acephala

    Kale is a cruciferous crop (cabbage family) grown for the leaves. Kale will withstand more heat than other Brassicas and is also tolerant of light frost, which can actually improve flavor. There are many varieties of leaf shape, color and height from a low mat of curled shoots to 2 m high. The...
  9. Grain Amaranth Amaranthus cruentus, A. hypochondriacus

    Grain Amaranth, Kiwicha, Bledo

    Grain amaranths are annual plants and include several species of Amaranthus grown specifically for the seeds which are usually lighter colored than vegetable amaranth varieties. The cultivation of grain amaranths as food plants is traceable to ancient Aztec civilizations of Mexico. The grain...
  10. Kohlrabi Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes

    Kohlrabi, German Turnip, Stem Turnip, Cabbage Turnip

    Kohlrabi is a short (45cm), biennial cruciferous crop (cabbage family) that is cultivated as an annual vegetable. The stems of each plant swell at the base to form a 5 - 10 cm in diameter edible, starchy globe. The broad edible leavesspiral in whorls around the globe-like swollen stem and are...