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Hairy Vetch Vicia villosa
Hairy Vetch, sand vetch, Sand Vetch, Winter Vetch
Native to Europe or western Asia, Vicia villosa is suited to cooler climates. It is a viny legume with longsoft hairs on the stems and leaves. Branchingstems/vines are prostrate (30-70 cm), but can climb (up to 1-2 m) the stalks of any neighboring plants. Stems support long hanging groups of...- Also available in:
- Español (es)
Fava Bean Vicia faba
Faba Bean, Broad Bean, Fava Bean, Windsor Bean
Vicia faba is an annual herbaceous plant in the legume family, usually considered to contain three subspecies: V. faba subsp. major (broad bean), V. faba subsp.equina (horse bean), and V. faba subsp. minor (tick bean or pigeon bean). Plants are upright, reaching heights of 1.5-2 m. Leaves of V....- Also available in:
- Español (es)