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2 items found (Showing 1 - 2)
  1. Morus hybr. 'Tice' Morus sp.

    Mulberry, Tice Mulberrry

    This is an old delicious Florida variety that originated in Ft. Myers Florida in a place called Tice.It has the largest leaves of any I have seen and is one of the most beautiful shade trees. It has long out reaching branches that weep toward the ground in a beautiful tropical look.
  2. Morus alba x Morus rubra Morus alba x Morus rubra

    Illinois Everbearing, Everbearing

    Christian, T. & Coles, P. (2022),'Morus albarubra'from the websiteTreesand ShrubsOnline(treesandshrubsonline.org/articles/morus/morus-alba-x-rubra/). Accessed 2024-07-15.

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