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American Joint Vetch Aeschynomene americana
American Joint Vetch, Deer Vetch, shyleaf
Aeschynomene americana is an annual legume forage crop and green manure cover crop. Considered a “subshrub,” A. americana can reach heights of 1-2 m. Pinnately compound leaves are finely textured, with 25-60 leaflets per leaf. Borne on pubescent stems, leaves reach 7.5 cm in length. Flowers...- Also available in:
- Español (es)
- Français (fr)
Evenia Aeschynomene evenia (Aeschynomene indica L.?)
Evenia, White Ball Acacia, Fern Leaf Acacia
Aeschynomene evenia is a short-lived perennial. Evenia fares well in areas that have an abundance of rain as it tolerates waterlogging and maintains its nutritive content when other grasses are declining. Seeded in very early spring in tropical pasture land, it will be well established in 2-3...- Also available in:
- Español (es)