ECHO Publications
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ECHO Development Notes - an update
Dear ECHO Community Members,
As editors, we are grateful for your faithful readership of ECHO Development Notes (EDN) over the years. As agricultural technicians, we are grateful for your perspectives, experience, and interests which drive us to deliver you content that will help you with your work with smallholder farmers. As ECHO has gone through recent growth and change, we have decided to increase the frequency of EDN releases and incorporate more articles from ECHO’s various Regional Impact Centers. You will no longer receive Regional Development Notes (such as ECHO Asia Notes) if you signed up for these but instead will be receiving EDN every two months. All future issues of EDN starting with this issue will include at least one article contributed directly from ECHO’s Regional Impact Centers. Please email with any questions or comments.
ECHO Development Notes (EDN)
In ECHO Development Notes (EDN) we share the most helpful, practical information that we come across about growing food under difficult circumstances. Within each issue you'll find featured techniques, practices, information, and experience to help guide your work in tropical and subtropical agricultural development.
ECHO Technical Notes (TN)
ECHO Technical Notes (TNs) share in depth information about topics important to those working in the tropics and subtropics. Each document introduces and explains the general concept behind the technological solution, and some include examples or step-by-step instructions.
ECHO Research Notes (RN)
ECHO Research Notes (RNs) share results of first-hand trials and experiments, done by ECHO staff or by network members. Material is authored by ECHO staff (past and present) as well as outside writers, all with experience and knowledge of their subject.
ECHO Best Practice Notes (BPN)
ECHO East Africa Notes is a technical e-bulletin containing articles of interest to agriculture and community development workers in East Africa. Besides English, articles may be translated into Swahili.
ECHO Books
ECHO has two ECHO authored and published books: Amaranth to Zai Holes and Agricultural Options for Small-scale Farmers (also available in epub and separate chapters). ECHO has also published books written by Network members including Roland Bunch's second edition of Restoring the Soil and Dan Foutain's Let's Restore Our Land.
Community Contributions
ECHO welcomes submissions to our publications. For information about submitting an article please see the Author Instruction page.
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Click here to download an example submission article.
Below is an optional training video to help you learn about ECHO's writing style.
Publications by Release Date
EAN Issue #7

EAN Issue # 12

AN Issue #43

AN Issue #44

AN Issue #45

AN Issue #46

AN Issue #47

Small-Scale Nursery Management

Integrated Pest Management

Black Soldier Fly Larvae Production

Animal Production Litter Systems

Bamboo Load-Centered Wheelbarrow

EDN Issue #149

EDN Issue #150

EDN Issue #151

EDN Issue #152

EDN Issue #153

EDN Issue #154

EDN Issue #155

EDN Issue #156

EDN Issue #157

EDN Issue #158

EDN Issue #159

EDN Issue #160

EDN Issue #162

EDN Issue #161

Farmer-Centered Climate Change Mitigation

Best Practices for Tropical Dryland Agriculture

EDN Issue #148

Earthbag Seed Banks

AN Issue #42

EDN Issue #147

AN Issue #41

EDN Issue #146

AN Issue #40

EDN Issue #145

AN Issue #39

EDN Issue #144

ECHO Notes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest Numéro 3

100-Fold Vegetable Gardens with Low-Cost Wicking Beds

AN Issue #38

EDN Issue #143

AN Issue #37

Parasitic Plants in African Agriculture

AN Issue #36

EDN Issue #142

Vacuum-Sealing Options for Storing Seeds

AN Issue #35

EDN Issue #141

AN Issue #34 Special Edition

EDN Issue #140

Bamboo for Construction

AN Issue #33

EDN Issue #139

LACN Issue #4

AN Issue #32

EDN Issue #138