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120 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Agnes Kiss & Frans Meerman Integrated Pest Management is an approach which combines different pest control techniques and integrates them into the overall farming system. This study shows the relevance of the IPM approach for African agriculture by giving an account of the rationale and historical development of IPM as...
    632.609 KIS
  2. Omkar This book comprehensively compiles information on some of the major pests that afflict agricultural, horticultural and medicinal crops in particular as well as many polyphagous pests. Not only does this book deal with the pests of common globally produced crops it also addresses those of rarely...
    632.6 OMK
  3. Carmelo Rapisarda et al This book provides up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of the research and application of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in tropical regions. The first section explores the agro-ecological framework that represents the foundations of IPM in addition to emerging technologies in chemical and...
    632.609 RAP
  4. Kristin s. Schafer This booklet is a global directory of partnerships for sustainable agriculture.The summaries in the directory provide basic information about main crops, pests, as well as the impacts, constraints and challenges of each project. 52 pages, illustrations
    632.9 SCH
  5. H. A. Elwell & Anita Maas This book is a must reading for all farmers and gardeners in southern Africa region- small scale, large-scale, commercial and subsistance farmers alike. This book aims to return us to a new co-operation with nature by offering a number of tried and tested methods to establish a long-term healthy...
    632.9 ELW | PF.005
  6. Rosalyn Rappaport &et al Part of a series, this book is written principally for extension staff and other agricultural development officers, teachers and trainers who act in a similar capacity. Each book provides the background, information and knowledge necessary for a basic understanding of an aspect of agriculture,...
    632 RAP
  7. Vincent E. Rubatzky, et al. This manual discusses the biology, economic status, and management of insects, diseases, nematodes, weeds, and vertebrates important to crop production in California. Photographs and other illustrations are intended to help the reader identify important pests and their damage, an essential first...
    635.349 UOC
  8. B.M. Prasanna | Joseph E. Huesing Regina Eddy | Virginia M. Peschke This FAW IPM Guide is designed for use by professionals in plant protection organizations, extension agencies, research institutions, and Governments, whose primary focus is smallholder farmers and the seed systems that support them. The FAW IPM Guide is meant to provide an important foundation...
  9. Natural Resources Institute This is a synthesis report commissioned by the Integrated Pest Management Working Group on pest management in the tropics. 20 pages, photos
    632.9 NRI
  10. W.H. Reissig et al This publication provides practical and comprehensive information to integrated pest managementworkers in rice fields throughout tropical Asia. It briefly discusses rice plant structure and growth stages and stresses their relation to pest management.
    633.18 REI