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213 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. R.J. Garner, et al This book is divided into 2 parts. Part I, by R.J. Garner, deals with the establishment and equipment of the nursery, the pots and other containers, the various methods of propagation and with the transplanting of the young plants. This part is well illustrated. Part II is written by various...
    634.043 FAO | PH.029
  2. Larry Southwick Store Publishing Bulletin A-35 Types of grafting are discussed along with ten essentials of successful grafting and budding, and the ten most-asked questions about grafting. 32 pages, illustrated 2 copies
    634.043 SOU
  3. Ann Ralph Grow your own apples, figs, plums, cherries, pears, apricots, and peaches in even the smallest backyard! Ann Ralph shows you how to cultivate small yet abundant fruit trees using a variety of specialized pruning techniques. With dozens of simple and effective strategies for keeping an ordinary...
    634.044 RAL
  4. Angus H. Howitt Illustrated book on common fruit pests and how to rid your crop of them.
    632.7 HOW
  5. P. E. Page This book providesuseful information on the production of a wide range of tropical tree fruits that grow in Australia. 225 pages, illustrations, photos
    634.6 PAG
  6. Alice Smart This book will not attempt to cover either all tropical fruits or citrus fruits, but will deal primarily with the more popular varieties of the small fruit and pnut trees which will thrive and produce fruit in the state. 59 pages, illustrated
    634.097 SMA
  7. Michael Jensen This field guide to commonly cultivated trees in South-East Asia is beautifully illustrated by the author's watercolours, and is an invaluable resource for those interested to know more about the domesticated trees and fruits which one finds all over the region.The book contains useful diagrams...
    635 JEN | PH.030
  8. Festus K Akinnifesi, Roger R.B. Leakey, Oluyede C Ajayi, Gudeta Sileshi, Zac Tchoundjeu, Patrick Matakala, Freddie R Kwesiga It has been recognized that an important factor in improving the viability of rural livelihoods in developing countries is the promotion of sustainable agriculture. As opposed to relying solely on cash crops, this can be more easily achieved through the domestication of various indigenous fruit...
    634. AKI
  9. P.K.R. Nair An evaluation of the environmental aspects of fruit trees in agroforestry reveals that there can be significant advantages of soil improvment, microclimatic amelioration and environmental protection in fruit tree-based agroforestry systems.
    634.9 NAI
  10. Brevard Rare Fruit Council A listing of tropical fruit trees and vines including scientific and common names with a description of the plant.
    634.6 BRE