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200 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. ECHO, Inc. Echo, Inc. 20 pages, illustrated, photos
    999.999 ECH
  2. Barrett Hazeltine et al This book is an all-in-one "hands-on guide" for nontechnical and technical people working in less developed communities. It has been developed and designed with a prestigious team of authors, each of whom has worked extensively in developing societies throughout the world. This field guide...
    609.172 HAZ
  3. ECHO Included in this notebook are articles on basic sanitation, and theconstruction of different disposal systems.
    631.875 ECH
  4. Stanley L. Rowland This folder contains useful information on being self-sufficient with such topics as making a garden, growing trees, food processing, simple stove, animal care,sanitation and providing clean water. page numbers for each section, illustrations
    631 ROW
  5. Robert J. Mitchell Experiences in Appropriate Technology illustrates a variety of encounters between communities, governments, entrepreneurs, and consultants in the Third World, including communities in North America. AT practitioners worldwide have met an assortment of obstacles. Their experience indicates that...
    609.172 MIT
  6. P. D. Dunn This book provides the general reader with an understanding of the broad development context and the place of appropriate technology in it, and furnished the newcomer to the subject with a basis for future specialization. The actual practice of appropriate technology is dealth with...
    609.172 DUN
  7. Barrett Hazeltine et al The introduction of technology into developing communities around the world is closely tied to the everyday jobs of international aid workers, engineers, health professionals, social workers, and members of religious organizations. A majority of people involved with international development have...
    338.927 HAZ
  8. The burgeoning interest in finding and implementing "appropirate technologies" reflects a recognition of the essential role of technology in development. Technological decisions and the pace of technical change affect all development processes-economic, political, and social--and, in turn, are...
    338.911 ECK
  9. R. C. Fluck Compilation of 35 lectures taught at the University of Florida Agriculural Engineering Department
    631.3 FLU
  10. Robert Willian Stevens A collection of papers presented at a May 1988 workshop on the theme expressed in the title. The papers are divided into two broad categories--theory and practice--and cover a wide range of topics in such fields as agriculture, energy, small enterprise development, information dissemination and...
    338.927 STE