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110 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Suzanne Ashworth Seed to Seed is a complete seed-saving guide that describes specific techniques for saving the seeds of 160 different vegetables. This book contains detailed information about each vegetable, including its botanical classification, flower structure and means of pollination, required population...
    635.042 ASH | PG.002, PG.011, PG.012
  2. Ken Whealy, et al This is a guide listingtechniques for harvesting, saving and storing vegetable & some fruit seeds. 20 pages, photos
    631.521 WHE
  3. Marc Rogers Each vegetable is discussed in detail. You'll know the problems and their solution, understand how to raise, harvest, and store the seeds.
    635. ROG
  4. Micaela Colley et al This comprehensive book on the art and science of seed saving demystifies the time-honored tradition of collecting the seeds of more than 75 crops-from heirloom tomatoes and peppers to century-old varieties of beans and grains. InThe Seed Garden, Seed Savers Exchange and the Organic Seed Alliance...
    635 COL
  5. Brian A. Connolly Part of the NOFAguides. Includes information on: Strengths and limitations of hybrid varieties Before you grow the seed (selecting varieties, saving seed and improving crops, intellectual property rights) Growing seed (pollination biology, harvesting, cleaning, storage, germination testing)...
    631.521 CON
  6. Conny Almekinders & Niels Louwaars This handbook covers a whole range of issues relating to local seed supply systems, including participatory plant breeding, and both technical and practical information on seed production and variety maintenance. It suggests new approaches and methods to support on-farm seed production by...
    631.521 ALM | PG.005,PG.010
  7. Michel Fanton & Jude Fanton The founders of Australia's Seed Savers' Network show how gardeners can protect the global food heritage - and eat it too. The seeds and growth cycles of 117 vegetables, culinary herbs and edible flowers are described in detail. The book begins with eight chapters on the issues around seeds...
    631.521 FAN | PG.003
  8. Peter Donelan The purpose of this booklet is to demonstrate that you can grow your seed in a small area for many levels of benefit. It attempts to enable you to answer the questions "How much seed and how many plants do I need?" and "How much of area will I need to devote to become seed self-reliant?" Knowing...
    635. DON
  9. Timothy N Motis
  10. M. B. McDonald et al This laboratory manual is designed to acquaint the student with many of the important facets of seed science and technology. It accompanies the text Principles of Seed Science and Technology.
    631.5 MCD