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741 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Tim Motis Agricultural Options for Small-Scale Farmers features selected content from the first 100 issues of ECHO Development Notes, a quarterly technical bulletin targeted towards ECHO's international network of development workers. It is a book filled with practical options for helping resource-poor,...
    631.584 MOT | PI.013
  2. Laura S. Meitzner, Martin L. Price. This is a book of practical ideas. It is written for people who help those who live and make their living under difficult conditions in the tropics and subtropics. What should a development worker do to assist a community? There are no simple answers, but there are many possibilities—plants,...
    633.091 MEI | PI.007, PI.008
  3. Dan Fountain Let’s Restore Our Land describes how church and community leaders came to realize that the soil that produces our food is becoming weak, and the forests that provide us with many resources are disappearing. They recognized that God has given us the responsibility to care for and protect these...
    333.009 FOU | DA.006
  4. L. R. Humphreys Tropical Pastures and Fodder Crops outlines a philosophy for pasture improvement and examines various improved grass and legume species. It describes the establishment and continued management of pastures and provides information about the animals which graze them. This Second Edition contains...
    633.2 HUM | PC.018
  5. J. Russell Smith Beside me was a tree, one lone tree. That tree was locally famous because it was the only tree anywhere in that vicinity; yet its presence proved that once there had been a forest over most of that land-now treeless and waste. The farmers of a past generation had cleared the forest. They had...
    634.9 SMI | PH.022
  6. J.P. Gaillard, et al Formerly a luxury food for the privileged few, the avocado has become an accepted part of the diet of many people in the developed countries of the West. Rapid urbanization and rising incomes in the developing world make the crop an increasingly valuable source of protein and minerals there also....
    634.653 GAI | PH.025
  7. Gabriel de Taffin This text covers the main types of coconut palm, their origin, world distribution and characteristics. It examines important production factors such as climate and soils, selection, breeding and propagation, and establishing and managing a plantation. A section on pest and disease control...
    634.61 TAF | PH.014
  8. Kent Whealy et al An inventory of seed catalogs listing all non-hybrid vegetable seeds available in the U.S. and Canada. Copy of the 1st and 2nd Edition. Asia library has the 6th edition.
    635.042 WHE | PG.015
  9. National Academy Press For developing nations, soil erosion is among the most chronic environmental and economic burdens. Vast amounts of topsoil are washed or blown away from arable land only to accumulate in rivers, reservoirs, harbors, and estuaries, thereby creating a double disaster: a vital resource disappears...
    631.452 BOA | SB.019
  10. R.J. Garner, et al This book is divided into 2 parts. Part I, by R.J. Garner, deals with the establishment and equipment of the nursery, the pots and other containers, the various methods of propagation and with the transplanting of the young plants. This part is well illustrated. Part II is written by various...
    634.043 FAO | PH.029