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112 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. USDA This booklet covers an integrated weed management programs that utilizes all weed control tools in a planned strategy to develop a specific management program for each field.
    633.089 USD
  2. Alfred J Turgeon Because managing weeds usually involves a combination of chemical and cultural methods, it should be based on a knowledge of the specific weeds to be controlled, the habitats in which thye are likely to occur and the means by which they enter and persist in a turfgrass community. This information...
    635.9 TUR
  3. E.M. Lavabre, John Wibberley, M. Deat, J. Deuse "Published in co-operation with the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation" - T.p. verso. Weed Control describes the basic biology of weeds and the characteristics of weed species. The methods of control – manual, animal-powered and engine-drive, cultural and chemical control –...
    632.580 LAV | PF.011
  4. Steve Gilman Soil is a living organism that loves to cooperate with farmers and gardeners. A green thumb will appear on those who align themselves with its health and requirements. This book discusses: Soil habitat Sustaining soil fertility The soil food-web Nutrient availability and deficiency After reading...
    631.4 GIL
  5. Anna Kocira, et al. Satisfying consumer needs through the production of healthy and nutritious agricultural products is a substantial challenge facing modern agriculture. However, agricultural production should be carried out with care for plant health, biological safety of products, and environmental safety while...
  6. Stephen O. Duke et al This review will discuss research strategies and the most important successes. It also includes crude preparations and minor uses, such as natural products as algicides in aquaculture. 44 pages
    632.95 DUK
  7. Merrill A. Ross et al The purpose of this book is to meet the need for a reference that relates the principles of weed science directly to weed control situations encountered in the field. Although the concept is simple, the objective is difficult to attain. To be successful in weed control, one must conceptualize...
    632.58 ROS
  8. Charles L. Mohler, John R. Teasdale, Antonio DiTommaso The purpose of this book is to provide you with inforomation about the biology of agricultural weeds, including identification, management strategies and ecologoical facts that will help you understand and manage them. The book is focused on the weeds of arable cropping systems.
  9. M K Upadhyaya and R E Blackshaw Following several decades of popularity after the Second World War, the use of synthetic herbicides is now experiencing a backlash within the agriculture industry. The increase in organic farming and concerns about potential negative effects on human health and the environment is creating a...
    632.5 UPA
  10. Clyde L. Elmore This publication is a brief introduction to soil solarization, a nonpesticidal method of controlling soilborne pests by placing plastic sheets on moist soil during periods of high ambient temperature. 12 pages, illustrated, photos.
    632.651 ELM