Is Drip Irrigation Right for Me?
Recap of Options for Storing Grains
Echoes from our Network: Hermetic Sealing in Haiti
From ECHO's Seed Bank: 'Starfighter' Lettuce
Books, Websites, and Other Resources: Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE)
Is Drip Irrigation Right for Me?
Robert Walle
Drip irrigation and its associated practices allow farmers to supply water to crop roots according to plant needs. Technicians promote drip irrigation for water conservation, weed control, plant disease reduction, and erosion control. Drip irrigation can be implemented in various locations on field and household scales. You may ask, however, “Is drip right for me?” This article outlines factors to help you decide if drip irrigation is an appropriate technology for your context and summarizes alternative irrigation methods.
Recap of Options for Storing Grains
Stacy Swartz, Tim Motis, and Floyd Dowell
Spoilage of stored grain is a major obstacle for smallholder farmers around the world. This article leans on the expertise of Dr. Floyd Dowell (an Agricultural Engineer retired from USDA Center for Grain and Animal Health Research) and highlights some of the options covered in previous ECHO publications for grain storage in low-resource settings. Preventing pest and moisture damage to stored commodities takes time, but also saves labor and reduces risks related to post-harvest losses.
‘Starfighter’ Lettuce
Robert Walle
'Starfighter' lettuce is now available from ECHO’s global seed bank. This heat-tolerant variety is a great option for fresh eating.
Hermetic Sealing in Haiti
Clint Bower
Network member Clint Bower in Haiti shares his experience with hermetic sealing.